Awareness of Green Building in West Bank Palestine
green building, west bank, Palestine, level awarenessAbstract
This study evaluates the awareness of green buildings in the West Bank, Palestine, and the importance of applying the green building concept to the public. Green building practices are a significant role in attaining sustainability, particularly in the construction industry. This practice is constructed for minimizing impacts on the environment as well as decreasing building effects on occupants. The key issue is the establishment of a solid knowledge foundation for Palestine that will equip the public, professionals, development agencies and governments with accurate and relevant knowledge generated within the framework of the state’s social needs, its cultures, and its biophysical environment to guide their decisions and actions towards establishing a sustainable built environment. The hypothesis tested was that the implementation of green technology will be beneficial in terms of cost and benefit for the improvement of the environment in West Bank, Palestine. The validity and reliability of data were considered to increase the quality of the data. The results show that there is a positive significant relationship between awareness level and the efficiency of building green practices in West Bank, Palestine. Therefore, motivation and government support are crucial to increase the awareness level of the importance of green building development in West Bank, Palestine. The survey conducted revealed that although the fieldwork professionals are aware of the green building concept, the general public is not aware of this concept as there was only minor efforts are developed in implementing it. A lot more work is necessarily needed to enhance public awareness of the application of green building and further stimulate measures and strategies towards a sustainable built environment.
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