Identifying the Growth Centers in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia: Before and After Tsunami


  • T. Dany Dhaifullah Master of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  • Noer Fadhly Master of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  • Alfa Taras Bulba Master of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia



Gravity approach, Growth center, Before and after Tsunami


The city of Banda Aceh continues to grow and develop to this day after being hit by the tsunami disaster in 2004. The growth and development of Banda Aceh did not happen simultaneously. It can be seen in Meuraxa District, Jaya Baru District, and other districts affected by the Tsunami. As a result, the growth centers shifted in Banda Aceh City. The high level of development until 2021, using the GRDP of Banda Aceh City, which is 19.93 trillion rupiah, means that economic growth will also increase by 1.25 percent from 2003 before the Tsunami to 2021, thereby creating economic potential in Banda Aceh City. The developing economic interaction between sub-districts in Banda Aceh City will create the strongest interaction as a new growth center on the basis of data from before and after the Tsunami, namely the number of population increases and the absolute distance between the two regions. The gravity analysis model identifies interactions between sub-districts in Banda Aceh City. It means they have strong economic interactions as growth centers by gaining the strength of interaction between two regions in Banda Aceh City. The gravity analysis model produces interaction areas with the strongest interaction values in 2004 (before Tsunami), 2005 (after the Tsunami), and 2021 (currently), which are the interactions between Kuta Alam and Baiturrahman Districts with interaction values for each year of 283,084,961,591; 161,382,469,959 and 190,617,812,346.


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How to Cite

Dhaifullah, T. D., Fadhly, N., & Bulba, A. T. (2023). Identifying the Growth Centers in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia: Before and After Tsunami. International Journal of Global Optimization and Its Application, 2(4), 265–276.
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