Consumer Behavior in Adopting Application-Based Transportation Services
consumer behavior, UTAUT 2, online transportation, technology adoptionAbstract
With the rapid development and use of information technology in various fields, who can say that information technology is the main pillar that provides added value to society in the development process towards a developed nation? Moreover, information technology has entered all fields or sectors, especially transportation. One transportation service that takes advantage of the speed of access to information is the JAKET application-based transportation. The urgency of this study is to determine the level of acceptance of consumer technology in adopting JAKET application-based transportation services using the UTAUT 2 model approach. The sample used in this study was 120 respondents who used the JAKET application. The data collection process will be carried out from January to February 2021. The data collection used a survey with 33 question constructs, summarized in eight manifest variables. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling with a variance-based or component-based approach with Partial Least Square. This study's results indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, and perceived risk significantly affect behavioral intention. Following that, there was no significant influence of social influence, facilitating conditions, or behavioral intention habits.
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