The Role of Traditional Institution (Keujreun Blang) in Realizing the Agricultural Industrialization in Nagan Raya, Aceh Province, Indonesia
Traditional Institutions (Keujruen Blang), Agricultural Industrialization, Interactive Approach, Community ParticipationAbstract
Keujruen Blang is a traditional institution engaged in agriculture to assist farmers in managing rice areas, community development, and solving problems of agricultural businesses. It also involved a village apparatus as a functional technical implementing element that regulates rice field management at the village level geographically in an agricultural area. Therefore, the role and function of Keujreng Blang in the scope of government is crucial to be optimized to increase community participation in village development of Nagan Raya Regency, precisely in Beutong District, Babah Krueng Village. This area is one of the agricultural villages that must realize industrialization in food independence. Using BPS data, rice production in Nagan Raya Regency declined from 37,457.89 tons to 21,467.69 tons. This study was carried out qualitatively with descriptive analysis. Interview techniques, documentation, and focus group discussion were used as data collection methods. Data analysis was employed for data collection, reduction, presentation, and verification or conclusion. The results of this study indicated that the position of traditional institutions is still fragile, nominally and instrumentally. Also, this study showed that Keujruen Blang could not be implemented comprehensively with the provisions of the applicable law.
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