A Study Collaborative Governance in Bengkulu City, Indonesia
collaborative governance, smart governance, smart city, Bengkulu city, IndonesiaAbstract
Smart governance is an indicator of the smart city program to improve good governance, so there needs to be a collaboration between local government organizations, private parties, and community groups. The collaboration between stakeholders is not optimal for implementing smart Governance in Bengkulu City. The research objective is to analyze collaborative governance on smart governance implementation. The research method uses qualitative methods using six informants, data collection techniques by observation, interviews, documentation, and data analysis using triangulation. The study results indicate that collaborative governance in implementing smart Governance in Bengkulu City is quite optimal, as seen from the indicators of initial conditions, institutional design, and collaborative processes that are intertwined with the success of the smart governance program. In conclusion, collaborative governance in smart governance implementation is not optimal because there are still some collaborative governance problems. This research implies that input in the implementation of smart Governance and Collaborative Governance has an important role in the success of the implementation of smart governance.
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